Goal Setting Series | Post Two

January 11, 2016

Welcome back to the #goalsettingseries! Today I'm breaking down my WHY for goal setting. The quote above by Jim Elliot has resonated with me the last few days as I've begun brainstorming specific goals for 2016. I don't want goals that will take up time or add another thing to my to do list. I want to choose goals that matter. Because I'm a "list" kind of girl here's my top 10 reasons [listed in no particular order] why I'm choosing to set goals and revisit them on a regular basis.
  1. Setting goals puts words and action steps to dreams that would have otherwise been forgotten, ignored, or never started. 
  2. They give me a sense of accomplishment. As I see things being completed and progress being made I'm inspired to keep going!
  3. They are an easy way to track progress and recognize areas that need improvement.
  4. They are great source of motivation.
  5. Good goals help me refocus when life gets crazy or busy.
  6. They provide vision for where I want to be a month or year down the road.
  7. Make me more intentional in my day to day.
  8. Being an internal processor I love that creating goals gives me space to get whats in my head on paper.
  9. Goals are a fun way to connect with friends and learn about each other.
  10. Call me a nerd but I think it's just plain fun :)
Be sure to head over to My Fair Olinda and read Naomi's post this morning. She shares some great insight that you won't want to miss!

What inspires you to create goals? Happy Monday! xo

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