Goal ONE: Go deeper in PRAYER.
- Why? Initially I wrote... "Because it's my power-source. I can't live WELL without it!" I'm adding "To meet and be transformed and INFORMED by God"... because Lara Casey puts words to thoughts and ideas I have but don't know how to express. I'm so thankful for talented writers!
- Action ideas: Watch the movie War Room [this has been on my list for awhile], journal my prayers, put prayers on post-its in common places for daily reminders, and pray on my knees each morning.
Goal TWO: Continue [YES, this is something I'm already doing from last year :)] working out at the gym on a regular basis!
- Why? So I can continue to feel energized, healthy, focused at work, and less stressed.
- Action ideas: Schedule workouts at the beginning of each week to ensure they actually happen and pack gym bag the night before so there's less hassle in the morning.
Goal THREE: To be eager to learn and ask for help! I want to be teachable this year.
- Why? It's SO easy to let pride get in the way. To think I have it all together or that I can do it on my own. But, those beliefs are lies and they actually prevent me from really growing and thriving!
- Action ideas: Seek out mentors in area's I need/want to grow. Be slow to speak and quick to listen and take advice.
Goal FOUR: To invest and grow in community with the people God has placed right in front of me!
- Action ideas: Monthly game nights, being available and intentional, and choosing people over projects or things that "need" to get done.
Goal FIVE: To continue [last year I paid off debt and started building an emergency fund, thanks Dave Ramsey!] being a good steward of the money/resources I have.
- Action ideas: Continue supporting ministries I'm passionate about and put money towards savings... I'd like to buy a new car by the end of the year!
This series has given me the kick in the pants I needed to make meaningful goals for the months ahead. I'm so excited to DIVE IN! If you've made some goals for 2016 comment below so we can cheer each other on. Thank you for following along!
As always be sure to go check out Naomi's #goalsettingseries post. I know you'll be inspired by the goals she chose for 2016.
Soo good Jules! These are great goals. Intentional and specific! Loved reading, thanks for sharing!